
Times are shown in the America/Chicago timezone, and take place on February 27th, 2024.

9:00 AM
1 hour 30 minutes
Extended Staff Meeting

Please join Sean Reynolds and other university leaders at the Allen Center for our quarterly NUIT staff meeting.

Presented by NUIT Leadership
12:00 PM
40 minutes

EACDcon kicks off with a catered mediterranean lunch for all presenters & attendees at 1800 Sherman room #218!

Please head to the Mudd Library when you're done eating!

Presented by EACD Leadership
1:00 PM
20 minutes
How to Prepare, Organize, and Write Beautiful and Useful Pull Requests

A look at the process behind writing very pretty — and helpful — pull requests that are easy for anybody to review.

Review techniques to create PRs that give a high-level preview of both the technical and visual aspects of the changes and how & when to add visual aids like flowcharts or annotated gifs.

Presented by Jacob Palmer
1:20 PM
20 minutes
Livewire with a Light Touch

Review a technique to leverage the interactivity of Livewire without needing to have it take over your entire page.

Laravel's typical controllers/validations can still be used as with a typical page, akin to adding a little interactivity with jQuery in the olden days.

Presented by Nick Evans
1:40 PM
20 minutes
Navigating Data Complexity with TypeScript

Discover the transformative role of TypeScript in application development for managing complex data structures and large codebases through practical examples. See how TypeScript, coupled with Zod, can enhance data integrity, particularly in validating data from external sources.

Attendees will gain valuable insights on adopting TypeScript and Zod into both new and existing projects.

Presented by Danny Foster
2:00 PM
45 minutes
Impacts of Web Accessibility

Our special guest, AccessibleNU, will showcase examples of good & bad web design for people using EACD's applications with accessibility aids like JAWS.

This will demonstrate the impacts of our web design decisions, and what fixing all those fiddly Axe errors is doing for our users.

Presented by James R. Stachowiak, Nimisha Joshi
3:00 PM
20 minutes
Life as a Project Manager on a Technical Team

A review of what it's like to be a project manager embedded into the development team.

There's a lot happening just under the surface to facilitate Admin Systems projects. Take a look at the logistical support our project manager provides every day without you even knowing about it.

Presented by Brian Daly
3:20 PM
20 minutes
Collation: How Hard Could It Be?

CollateHub is a microservice developed in 2023 to receive documents and collate them into a large, printable PDF, then deliver that to a serverless application.

CollateHub was this developer's first experience in architecting and developing an application. This is a case study, covering the decision-making progress as the app matured and time crunched, highlighting key errors and successes along the way.

Presented by Michael Campbell
3:40 PM
40 minutes
What Happens When You Type In a URL & Hit Enter

An explanation of all the things happening, including details about networks, DNS, and certificates.

Attendees should get a great understanding of networking concepts we typically do not have to deal with as developers, but do occasionally come up.

Presented by Nick Evans
4:20 PM
20 minutes
Accessing EventHub within a Mulesoft Integration: Just the Basics

Walk through the high-level concepts found in the custom Mulesoft template for accessing EventHub messages: message retrieval, message deletion, looping through multiple messages, etc.

Presented by Jason Miller